BlogRush Exchange
Traffic Building Widget
Links : Link Exchange Widget | Traffic Widgets | BlogRush Widgets | Actual BlogRush Site
BlogRush is a "Cooperative Syndication Network." It's a network of blogs that run a small "widget" on their pages. Each time this widget is loaded it will contain 5 clickable headlines which are the blog post titles to other users' posts.
Clicking on any of these links will open a new browser window and load the blog and full post. Users earn "syndication credits" based on each time their blog loads the widget as well as each time any of their referrals (users that signup after clicking the "add your blog posts" link on the widget) loads the widget. They also earn additional credit based on all the activity through 10 generations of referrals. 1 Syndication Credit = having one of their recent blog post titles served inside the widget on another member's blog.
How Do I Earn Syndication Credits?
Syndication credits are earned based on the following formula: You earn credits on your own traffic using a 1:1 ratio. (One credit for each time the widget is served.) You then earn credits based on your referrals traffic (and their referrals traffic) through 10 generations of referrals based on the following ratios: 1st and 2nd generation (i.e. your direct referrals and their direct referrals) 1:1, 3rd - 6th generation = 1:4 ratio, 7th - 10th generation = 1:8 ratio. After all the math is calculated, there is a surplus of 1 headline space (5 spaces in each widget load) for every 10 that are served. So 10% of all the headline space is reserved for BlogRush itself to sell or use.
If BlogRush can be used on Wordpress blogs, why are there people saying that it can't?
BlogRush works on any blog using WordPress software, however... WordPress, the company that makes the software, has a free blog hosting service at Their service is not javascript enabled so our widget won't work on hosted blogs, but will work on Wordpress blogs that are hosted outside of their system (on your own web site).
Make sure you watch the video tutorials on how to do this properly if you haven't already. These can be found in the Step-By-Step Tutorial section on our site.
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